The Newtown Creek Alliance is a community-based organization dedicated to restoring, revealing and revitalizing Newtown Creek.

Newtown Creek Vision Plan

Newtown Creek Vision Plan

In 2018, NCA, Riverkeeper and Perkins+Will launched the Newtown Creek Vision plan, a 150 page report chronicling priority issues and 85 proposed projects to address Remediation, Restoration, Recreation and Resilience. The report builds upon decades of planning and visioning efforts by numerous community members and organizations; framing ideas in the wake of upcoming Superfund remediation and Clean Water improvements. Read the full plan here.

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Newtown Creek StoryMaps

Newtown Creek StoryMaps

Explore these interactive educational resources on ArcGIS StoryMaps to learn more about the Creek's ecosystem and NCA’s efforts in environmental remediation, restoration, and revitalization. We have units available on the history and geography of the Creek, regional flora and fauna, Newtown Creek's soil and water health, and the impact of climate change on NYC's coastal communities. Click "read more" to view them all.

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Facebook News

Facebook News

4 days ago

Newtown Creek Alliance

🤔Did you know over 1.2 BILLION gallons of raw sewage enters Newtown Creek every year? Why is there so much untreated sewage getting released into the Creek? Where does it come from? How does it impact water quality? How are humans and wildlife affected by this? What are the health concerns? What is being done to address the raw sewage? How can we help?Wanna know the answers to these questions? Newtown Creek Alliance (Newtown Creek Alliance) is hosting recurring community information sessions at the Greenpoint Library (GEEC) to provide neighbors with knowledge about Newtown Creek and create an ongoing dialogue for environmental advocacy, stewardship, and action. Each session will discuss ongoing topics about Newtown Creek, how it got so polluted, what the concerns are now, and what we can do about it. Come join the conversation!When: Thursday, February 20th, 6:00 - 7:30 PM Where: Eco Lab 1, Greenpoint Library, 107 Norman Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11222#superfund #newtowncreek #superfundcleanup #pollution #newyorkcity #nyc #climate #climatechange #CommunityAction #bushwick #ridgewood #maspeth #eastwilliamsburg #williamsburg #greenpoint #northbrooklyn #brooklyn #queens

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Photos from Newtown Creek Alliance's post

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❄️ Snow on the Creek! ❄️We've been busy documenting the snow and ice conditions across the Creek, as well as the winter wildlife who live here or make a pitstop on their migrations south.Pictured:Red-breasted MergansersRedhead x Scaup hybridCanada Geese

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While going through old boxes in the NCA office, we uncovered a collection of photos taken by the Newtown Creek Monitoring Committee, a community based group that provided oversight of the multibillion dollar upgrade of the Newtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. The photos offer a fascinating glimpse at the state of Newtown Creek and Greenpoint in the late ‘90s/early 2000s. Here are some of our favorites! Recognize any spots around the Creek? Shout ‘em out in the comments!

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4 weeks ago

Newtown Creek Alliance

👀Are you interested in learning about the latest updates on Newtown Creek and its cleanup efforts? Join the Community Advisory Group (CAG) to receive the most up-to-date information on the Newtown Creek Superfund process! You will also be able to provide input and voice concerns directly to those responsible for cleaning up the Creek. Be a part of the force to drive progress for a cleaner, greener, more accessible and equitable Newtown Creek!Learn more about the Newtown Creek CAG and register for the January CAG meeting (1/22) via the link in bio. #superfundsite #newtowncreek #superfundcleanup #CommunityAdvisoryGoup #superfundcommunityadvisorygroup#waterquality #enviromentalhealth #queens #brooklyn #nyc #longislandcity #hunterspoint #Blissville #Sunnyside #woodside #maspeth #ridgewood #bushwick #williamsburg #greenpoint

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2023 Tidal Toast!

On October 18th, 2023 we honored our wonderful partnership with LaGuardia Community College at the 2023 Tidal Toast benefit. For years the professors, students, and faculty of LaGuardia have been key advocates in fighting for a cleaner, more accessible, and more resilient Newtown Creek. Located just a block from the Dutch Kills tributary, the school has […]

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Wetland Frames Installed in Blissville

In close partnership with LaGuardia Community College, we have completed an installation of 20 wetland frames at the Waste Management Review Ave Facility in Blissville, Queens. Under the guidance of Professor Sarah Durand, LaGuardia Community College/CUNY students, and NCA staff worked to install and plant these suspended aluminum frames with spartina alterniflora – a native […]

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Newtown Creek Social Media Stickers

In early 2023, NCA was approached by local artist Wyatt Bertz, who was interested in using his technical and artistic skills to engage folks with the current state, remediation needs, and restoration opportunities of the Creek. The end product is a series of digital animations (stickers and clips) that playfully portray local wildlife, industrial uses, […]

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This group of fellows are coming to us from Greenpoint and various neighborhoods in Queens. With a variety of backgrounds and experiences; they will be studying the impacts of Urban Heat Island on the Maspeth, Queens IBZ. Their research will support NCA revitalization efforts, finding new ways to assist industry and worker health in the […]

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Speak Out for Clean Water Standards

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is currently proposing changes to water quality standards in NY Harbor that will significantly limit the City’s ability to reach the Clean Water Act goals of fishable and swimmable waters. For most of the Harbor (East River, Hudson River, and parts of Jamaica Bay) the new […]

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