2017 Year in Review

Dear Newtown Creek Alliance Friends and Supporters;

2017 has been one of the most productive years for protecting and improving Newtown Creek. We wanted to take the opportunity to share some of our key accomplishments in revealing, restoring and revitalizing our dear waterway:

  • 1,600 + People engaged in educational events, tours and activities
  • 12,000 + Pounds of debris removed from street ends areas
  • 2,500 + Water quality data points collected over 26 weeks
  • 112 Storm drains stenciled with “Overflows to Newtown Creek”
  • 16 Illegal pollution sources investigated, reported and/or resolved
  • 100 + Plant species identified and mapped along shoreline areas

Our continued efforts in fighting for long-term clean-ups are also paying off. In June, New York City completed a proposal to invest over $600 Million (2017 figures) in infrastructure to keep untreated sewage out of Newtown Creek. When complete, the improvements will reduce sewage overflow by 61% from today’s levels. Additionally, the City has scrapped plans to pursue the final, and largest, phase of aeration in Newtown Creek – a proposed $31 million dollar expenditure which we have challenged for many years. These direct investments in pollution prevention are a true achievement for Newtown Creek and win for generations to come.

We remain actively engaged in various long-term planning efforts that improve environmental conditions while also maintaining the vital role of industrial activity in the surrounding areas. Our commitment to ecological, social and economic revitalization was recognized this past May when North Brooklyn’s industrial leader, Evergreen, honored NCA with their Community Partner Award;  a true honor for the longtime leadership of our organization.

There is, of course, no shortage of crucial work to tackle as we continue to create a cleaner, safer and more productive Newtown Creek. While we have been fortunate to grow our organization and thus our impact, over the past year, we look to the generous support of individuals and entities like yourself to sustain our effectiveness. In these increasingly uncertain times for our environment, a strong commitment to championing New York City’s waterways is more important than ever. Please support our work today; tax-deductible donations can be made online here or by mailing a check to:

Newtown Creek Alliance
45-18 Skillman Avenue
Sunnyside, NY 11104

On behalf of the board of directors we thank you for your consideration and support.

Willis Elkins                       Lisa Bloodgood
Program Manager           Education Coordinator


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