ExxonMobil Proposes to Alter Greenpoint Oil Spill Pollution Discharge Systems

ExxonMobil Groundwater online pharmacy propecia viagra Discharge at Penny Bridge Site (Meeker Avenue Street End).

On May 9, 2024 at 6:30 pm, ExxonMobil is hosting a virtual public meeting to discuss their application to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) which will modify their permit for discharging treated groundwater as part of the Greenpoint Oil Spill remediation project. In short, the modification will allow ExxonMobil to consolidate two existing treatment systems to a new groundwater facility to be located at 38 Varick Street, Brooklyn, NY. Get more background information about the meeting and project documents here.

We encourage members of the public to attend this meeting to learn about the project and ensure that community health is not jeopardized as part of this proposal. Here are the main items that NCA will be pushing for:

Concern 1: Going from Two Treatment Systems to One

ExxonMobil Groundwater for sale levitra Discharge at Penny Bridge Site (Meeker Avenue Street End).

In modifying the remediation project from two separate treatment and discharge facilities to one, we need to make sure that this proposal will not reduce Exxon’s ability to remediate the Greenpoint Oil Spill. In no way should this project impact:

  • groundwater treatment (removing petroleum)
  • discharge standards or capacities (how clean the water is)
  • soil vapor extraction (removing harmful gasses such as benzene and methane)

Concern 2 : Concentrating Discharge Activities at Penny Bridge

Meeker Ave street-end, Penny Bridge.

ExxonMobil proposed to consolidate their entire discharge to their existing outfall at the end of Meeker Avenue (Penny Bridge). At this street end area, viagra for sale ExxonMobil also maintains a recovery well and a large storage shed that occupies public land.

Given their footprint on this public space, and larger legacy on environmental destruction in Greenpoint, we urge Exxon to use this opportunity to enhance the Penny Bridge site through:
+ Improvements to their corrugated structure (reduction of footprint, more inviting and lasting materials);
+ Installing measures to mitigate polluting stormwater runoff on the site; and
+ Enhancing general conditions for ecological and order cialis from canada community benefits at this unique shoreline location.

Concern 3: A 10 acre Creekside Property Can Be Sold to the Highest Bidder

ExxonMobil site at 400 Kingsland Ave, Brooklyn, NY.


Mark your calendar for the ExxonMobil Greenpoint SPDES Permit Modification meeting:

May 9, 2024 at 6:30 pm

Zoom link: https://bit.ly/4aQ0Irz 

To Call-in Using a Phone:  Dial in using the following number:  +1 646 558 8656 (New York) 

When prompted, enter the Meeting ID:  Meeting ID: 872 9192 0889  Passcode: 645369 

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