Grey to Green is a collaboration between Newtown Creek Alliance and Open Sewer Atlas NYC to encourage green infrastructure investment and water conservation in a crucial area in the Newtown Creek watershed. Bushwick and its surrounding neighborhoods have huge environmental impacts on water quality in Newtown Creek. As part of the project we will be running three workshops this September to engage people with issues of Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO), green infrastructure and how this all relates to Bushwick and Newtown Creek. Register for the events below and learn more about the project here.
Workshop 1: CSO 101 – RSVP
Sept 1 – 5:30pm @ Williamsburg Charter High School, Williamsburg
Did you know that rainfall can overwhelm the sewer system and cause a combined sewer overflow (CSO)? That means raw sewage along with pollutants like oil, heavy metals and litter to dump untreated into Newtown Creek.
Workshop 2: Green Infrastructure Grants – RSVP
Sept 8 – 5pm @ Silent Barn, Bushwick
Green roofs and other forms of green infrastructure can help capture rainfall before it enters the sewer system. You can install a green roof on your building for free with a grant from the city.
Workshop 3: Build-your-own Downspout Planter
Sept 20 – 10am @ Boerum Hill Joinery, Ridgewood
If you live in a small building, something as little as a rain barrel or planter can make a big difference. Participants in this workshop will receive materials and learn to build their own planters off the roof downspout.
Check out the Grey to Green website for more background on the project.