Join us as we provide some TLC to Greenpoint’s most unique park, the Newtown Creek Nature Walk. Nestled between the largest sewage treatment plant in NYC and one of the most troubled waterways in the country, the Nature Walk offers striking views of the working waterfront from an oasis of native habitat in a sanctuary lovingly designed by George Trakas.
After a great summer of exciting programs – like the September residency of the Newtown Creek Armada and frequent visits from the North Brooklyn Boat Club, we need to tuck the Nature Walk in for the winter by mulching and feeding all of the planting beds.
It will take a mountain of mulch to blanket the beds, and it is a perfect time for volunteers to lend a hand! No experience needed!
Newtown Creek Nature Walk
October 20, 2012
Thanks to all of our participating orgs: OSA, NCMC, buildOn and Greenpoint Business Alliance for supporting this effort…also thanks to DEP and the folks at the plant for helping with the logistics of getting a pile of mulch back to the Nature Walk, and to Damion Lawyer, for doing the preparatory horticultural work for the day! This is all made possible through the Hudson River Foundation’s NYCEF Newtown Creek Fund.
Lets hope for better weather than Earth Day!