UPDATE: You can check out an audio recording of this session here, and follow along with a pdf of the presentation here. Thanks Andrew Pavia and Ziwen Tu for getting us the files.
NCA’s Green Infrastructure Workgroup is hosting a focus group meeting for stakeholders in Sunnyside about stormwater runoff and Green Infrastructure. NCA is collaborating with Dr. Franco Montalto to analyze Green Infrastructure potential in a “subwatershed” area that drains to Dutch Kills. The study area (roughly bounded by Dutch Kills, LIE, New Calvary, Gpoint Ave, and 48th Ave) includes a part of the industrial business zone, some residential and commercial area, a section of the elevated LIE, and a small section of Calvary cemetery. We are seeking input from representatives and property owners in this area.
Dr. Montalto and his students from Drexel University have done an initial analysis to show us what data his model is capable of crunching. Dr. Montalto and his students have created a tool for comparing the cost effectiveness of reducing runoff with different green infrastructure / low impact development technologies. The tool is called the LIDRA (Low Impact Development Rapid Assessment) model, and it is a powerful web-based planning tool that they built from scratch. NCA is very excited that one of their first applications of the tool will benefit the Newtown Creek area! We hope that this work will help guide public and private investment in Green infrastructure in the years to come.
Thursday, March 14, 10am
LaGuardia Community College
2nd floor of Shenker Hall
M201A – the Natural Science Department conference room
The best way there is to take the E building elevator to the 2nd floor – turn left to enter the M building, room is first door on the right.
Here’s a map!
RSVP to kzidar@newtowncreekalliance.org