Dear Newtown Creek Alliance Friends and Supporters;
The marathon of cleaning up and revitalizing Newtown Creek continues! This past year NCA has made large leaps in expanding our outreach, programming and partnerships. Some of our key accomplishments include:
- Release of the Newtown Creek Vision Plan with Riverkeeper
- Newtown Creek Curriculum introduced into the Greenpoint Eco-Schools
- Launch of a new Living Dock into English Kills
- 50 + Tours, Workshops and Public Events
- 2,800 + People engaged in educational programming
- 3,000 + Water quality data points collected over 26 weeks
- Over a dozen Illegal pollution sources investigated, reported and/or resolved
To help sustain and expand our ability to reveal, restore and revitalize Newtown Creek we ask for your support. Tax-deductible donations can be made online here or by mailing a check to:
Newtown Creek Alliance
520 Kingsland Avenue
3rd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11222
On behalf of the board of directors we thank you for your consideration.
Willis Elkins Lisa Bloodgood
Executive Director Director of Advocacy and Education