On October 18th, 2023 we honored our wonderful partnership with LaGuardia Community College at the 2023 Tidal Toast benefit. For years the professors, students, and faculty of LaGuardia have been key advocates in fighting for a cleaner, more accessible, and more resilient Newtown cialis alternative Creek. Located just a block from the Dutch Kills tributary, the school has partnered with NCA, and a number of other local organizations, to pilot a variety of education, restoration, and planning projects to improve the waterway. The college truly embodies NCA’s mission to Reveal, Restore, and Revitalize Newtown Creek which is why we are honoring them with all three awards this year.

Our annual fundraiser party is focussed on celebrating Newtown Creek and our ongoing work with partners, community members and local businesses to a cleaner, more resilient, and more accessible waterway. The 2023 Tidal Toast took place on the Creek itself, cialis master card aboard the Royal Princess, a chartered boat from Greenpoint, Brooklyn.
See all event photos from Karan Sharma here.

Auction: Many thanks to all our generous silent auction donors: Brooklyn Craft Company, Citibike, Cozy Royale, Crest Hardware, Devin Rahal, Five Leaves, Glasserie, Greenpoint Athletics, Greenpoint Pilates Studio, Highgate Hotels, Lobster Joint, The Meat Hook, Ovenly, Patagonia, Press Modern Massage, Radio Bakery, Sweetwater Restaurant, Tandem NYC, & Wythe Hotel.
Drinks: Dandelion Wine and Interboro Spirits & Ales
Food: Yia Yia’s Taverna – Greek Restaurant
Music: Gabriel Willow, AKA DJ Stylus
Awards: Reclaimed NYC Street Tree Lumber via Trilox
Entertainment: Newtown Creek Oracle