Shockingly New York City’s recently released Green Infrastructure Plan, which outlines how the City will use green infrastructure to improve the quality of NYC’s waterways by capturing and retaining stormwater, will actually double the amount of sewage flowing into the Creek when compared to the Long Term Control Plan committed to by the NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation. Currently the Creek receives 3 billion gallons of raw sewage annually from 22 combined sewer overflow outfalls and an unknown number of unpermitted and illegal outfalls. Click here to download and read our letter to DEP expressing our concerns with regards to the NYC Green Infrastructure Plan.
DEP will be holding a meeting on Wednesday, February 2nd from 6:30pm – 8:30pm at the Pace University Downtown Campus [directions]. Please show up and make your voice heard. Continued sewer overflows into Newtown Creek compromise human health and the environment in addition to jeopardizing the long-term effectiveness of the multi-million dollar Superfund clean up of the Creek.