Join NCA director Katie Schmid for a lively panel discussion at the Museum of the City of New York on Tuesday, February 8 at 6:30 pm
What will the recent Superfund designations of Newtown Creek in Queens and the Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn mean for community residents and the rest of the city? How will they affect the plans of real estate developers interested in revitalizing these post-industrial zones? What is the fate of the natural environments themselves? Roderick M. Hills, Jr., William T. Comfort III Professor of Law at New York University moderates a panel discussion including Walter Mugdan, Superfund Division Director at the EPA, Kathleen Schmid, Director of the Newtown Creek Alliance, and Alan Bell, principal and co-founder of Hudson Companies will discuss the perils and possibilities of cleaning up New York City’s environmental problems. Co-sponsored by the Newtown Creek Alliance and presented as part of the Museum’s Urban Forum series, New York Neighborhoods—Preservation and Development. Mention that you are an NCA member and receive a discounted admission.