Since 1919, Newtown Creek has served as a Federal Navigation Channel for commercial waterborne transportation, authorized by the Rivers & Harbors Act of 1919 and 1937. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) manages the Creek as a navigable waterway and has conducted dredging to maintain the federal navigation depth since 1923. The most recent USACE maintenance dredging was in 1974.
It has been 87 years since the Creek’s navigation depths have been examined, and maintenance has not occurred in 50 years. There is a significant need to re-examine how deep the Creek should money order for buying levitra be. Updating the Creek depths will provide greater clarity for the Newtown Creek Superfund Cleanup, which is focused on addressing chemical contaminants at the bottom of the Creek.

The Value in Protecting Navigation in the Main Channel
Newtown Creek is a designated Significant Maritime Industrial Area that serves a critical role in transporting goods and materials by water. Water transportation has a smaller carbon footprint and consumes less fuel compared to trucking, which helps reduce congestion on local streets and regional roadways. The 2012 Brownfield Opportunity Area report that NCA authored with Riverkeeper and the Greenpoint Manufacturing Design Center outlines key opportunities for maritime investment along the main channel of Newtown Creek.
As of 2024, cialis fedex there are eight active marine operators on the main channel and lower English Kills section. They move metal recycling, aggregates, fuel, and sewage levitra 20mg price sludge. To sustain these existing and potential future operations, the main channel of the Creek needs to meet the federal navigation depth for commercial maritime activities.
Benefits of Deauthorizing Creek Tributaries
The tributaries of Newtown Creek, such as Dutch Kills, Maspeth Creek, East Branch, and the head of English Kills, have not been used commercially for decades, allowing the sediments to accumulate and return to more natural depths. This presents opportunities for restoration efforts, particularly in creating salt marsh habitats. These tributaries, being stagnant and shallow, are ideal locations for restoration without interfering with local business operations.
Historically, Newtown Creek had over 1,200 acres of tidal wetlands before industrialization. By the mid-20th century, not a single square foot of salt marsh remained. While fully recreating the original natural habitat may not be feasible, focusing on restoring wetland habitats within the tributaries would bring significant benefits to local community and ecology.
- Improve Water Quality. The tributaries have the worst water quality conditions in the Creek due to stagnancy and combined sewer overflow. Restoring salt marshes can improve dissolved oxygen levels and remove excessive nutrients.
- Protect Upland Areas. The majority of the properties adjacent to the Creek are prone to flooding. Salt marshes can buffer against storm surges, helping to protect local properties and buildings.
- Provide Wildlife Habitat. Salt marshes support diverse wildlife, including wading birds, and ribbed mussels that can break down sewage bacteria.
- Transform Burden to Resource. The unsightly, and often smelly tributaries can be transformed into beautiful salt marsh environments that can serve as a resource for community engagement and education.

Community Support for Restoration
Restoration efforts in Newtown Creek’s tributaries has been a longstanding goal of numerous Newtown Creek stakeholders. However, restoration efforts hinge on delisting these waterways from commercial navigation. Despite current depths being shallower than those designated by the USACE in 1937, they are still listed as navigable, which prevents salt marsh or shallow water habitat restoration. In addition to being included in the 2016 CAG Vision Principles, restoration in the tributaries has been more fully described, envisioned, and piloted in numerous community and agency efforts over the past 15 years including:
- The Newtown Creek Brownfield Opportunity Area Report (2012)
- The Newtown Creek Vision Plan (2018)
- NYC DEP Salt Marsh Pilot in Dutch Kills (2018)
- Maspeth Marsh (2019)
- 29th Street Shoreline Restoration in Dutch Kills (2022)
WRDA Process, What’s Next?
In July 2020, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) presented a Newtown Creek commercial navigation analysis to the Newtown Creek Superfund Community Advisory Group (CAG). The analysis assessed: (1)Who uses the Creek for transportation; (2)How deep the Creek is now;(3)How deep the Creek should be based on current and projected future usage?
USACE presented on navigation to the CAG again in 2022, and published the draft Commercial Navigable Analysis report in January 2024. The proposed plan has been discussed by CAG members at every monthly public meeting in 2024. Members of the CAG and representatives from Newtown Creek Alliance (NCA) and Riverkeeper have engaged with Congresswoman Velazquez’s office (who is able to reintroduce reauthorizations and deauthorizations to navigable depths via the Water Resources Development Act), as well as the EPA, the USACE, potentially responsible parties, maritime advocates, and representatives from other Superfund sites to fully understand the benefits and potential ramifications of altering depths and removing navigable channels.
In June 2024, Congresswoman Velazquez was able to introduce WRDA language to modify and deauthorize various sections of the authorized federal navigation channel and associated tributaries. This request includes many of the recommendations from the January 2024 USACE report. Specifically, the congresswoman’s office calls for:
- No changes in the Main Channel from East River to Kosciuszko Bridge
- Minor depth reductions in the Turning Basin and lower English Kills
- Deauthorization in Dutch Kills, Maspeth Creek, East Branch and upper English Kills
These modifications will maintain the majority (~74%) of the Creek for navigation to support maritime transportation and commercial uses, reduce truck traffic, and improve air quality. It will also advance community goals of salt marsh restoration in the tributaries to improve water quality, create wildlife habitat, increase climate resiliency, as well as bring clarity to the Superfund process. This plan achieves what the majority of Newtown Creek stakeholders have been seeking: a well balanced approach to economic and ecological considerations.