UHI Summer Research Fellowship 2022-24

In 2022, NCA was awarded a three-year New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Community Impact Grant to facilitate an educational research program analyzing the Urban Heat Island Effect purchase viagra canada (UHI) around Newtown Creek. During the program, New Yorkers are given the opportunity to design their own studies regarding UHI in and around Newtown to explore field-work practice, and the use of scientific inquiry towards a real-world application and context.
Greenpoint Bioremediation Project 2016
Newtown Creek Alliance’s Greenpoint Bioremediation Project (GBP), in partnership with the newly formed NYC Urban Soils Institute (USI) at Brooklyn College’s Environmental Sciences Analytical Center (ESAC) ran a series of hands-on workshops and produced materials covering important topics such as understanding urban soils, harnessing beneficial microorganisms with compost tea and using fungi for mycoremediation.
AirCasting QVT 2012-13
Newtown Creek Alliance, in partnership with HabitatMap, received an Environmental Justice Community Impact Grant from the New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation, developed and taught a course on air quality monitoring at Queens Vocational & Technical High School (QVT), located in Sunnyside, Queens, New York City. Students used cheap cialis without rx what they learned in the course to develop and execute their own air monitor plans.
Creek Speak 2010

Creek Speak is an oral history project that uses online interactive maps to present the stories of people and places near Newtown Creek.