NYC DEP is currently proposing a modification to the ‘Long Term Control Plan’ (LTCP) — a NY-State approved initiative to reduce Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) in Newtown Creek.
The current plan will reduce overall CSO volume into Newtown Creek by approximately 61% and be complete in 2040. The proposed modification will capture more sewage and prevent the planned viagra dose diversion of overflow to the East River, but it still leaves over 350 million gallons of untreated sewage going to Newtown Creek each year. Additionally, the modification will result in a 10-year delay toward achieving significant sewage reduction for the Dutch Kills tributary.
NCA has long advocated for increased CSO capture. We can not wait until 2040, to only have a ~65% reduction. Newtown Creek, especially the small and stagnant tributaries, can not be safe for our local communities, or wildlife populations, with 350+ million gallons of annual CSO. This modification is an opportunity to get us closer to actually achieving clean waters, as well as the City’s own goal of zero CSO citywide by 2060.
So what can we do about it??
1. Learn more about the proposed plan!
Riverkeeper and NCA are hosting a virtual meeting this Thursday where NYC DEP will present about usa levitra the proposed modification.
Thursday, December 12, at 6 p.m.
Register here
2. Speak for the Creek
Join us in asking NY State DEC (who approves the plan), and NYC DEP (who implements the plan) to capture as much sewage overflow as possible via Riverkeeper’s Action Alert. Comments are due Friday, December 13.
Submit your comments here