Bioremediation is the use of plants and microorganisms to restore a healthier soil ecology, and safely break down toxins in surface soil by exploiting the naturally occurring metabolic pathways of microbes. Newtown Creek Alliance’s Greenpoint Bioremediation Project (GBP), in partnership with the newly formed NYC Urban Soils Institute (USI) at Brooklyn College’s Environmental Sciences Analytical Center (ESAC), seeks to increase public knowledge and local practice of popular established bioremediation techniques, including mycoremediation strategies and compost tea amendments. As part of our outreach and education we have run a series of hands-on workshops and produced materials covering important topics such as understanding urban soils, harnessing beneficial microorganisms with compost tea and using fungi for mycoremediation.
Download “An Introduction to Urban Soil Bioremediation” poster here.
Watch more excerpts from our 2016 Bioremediation workshops on NCA’s Youtube channel or click the individual links below.
Urban Soils Institute Workshop (May 22nd, 2016)
Elaine Ingham Workshop (July 9th, 2016)
Tradd Cotter Workshop Part 1 and Part 2 (July 31st, 2016)
Daniel Reyes Workshop (July 31st, 2016)
The Greenpoint Bioremediation Project is made possible with generous support from the Greenpoint Community Environmental Fund and the Office of the New York State Attorney General and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.