1. Educational Videos
NCA has created a series of short online videos with valuable information relating to our Urban Ecology curriculum and broader environmental issues relating to Newtown Creek. Watch each video at the links below:
Urban Ecology Field Lesson: Water Quality
Urban Ecology Field Lesson: Watershed + Sewershed
Urban Ecology Field Lesson: Flora and Fauna
Intro to Newtown Creek w/ Mitch Waxman
Intro to Dutch Kills w/ Mitch Waxman
History of Energy Production w/ Mitch Waxman
Local Infrastructure w/ Mitch Waxman
Newtown Creek Nature Walk Overview
Intertidal Wildlife in Newtown Creek
Introduction to Marine Traffic on Newtown Creek
Oil Spills and Upland Contamination
2. Interactive Curriculum Units
Developed by NCA for educators anywhere, these interactive online resources allow you to explore Newtown Creek and it’s urban environment from home.
Grown from our Newtown Creek Urban Ecology STEM curriculum these materials allow for self-guided exploration, and while created to be most useful for young learners (namely, middle school students) they are suited for all ages. Each page is full of photos from in and around the Creek and a few even have assignments and data built-in to learn more, and to go deeper into various subjects.
Click on the images below to explore each unit and learn some tips on how best to use ThingLink here. Green Map Icons provided by Green Map System.
3. Live Video Tours
Join NCA staff for regular from the field tours, broadcast on Instagram and Facebook Live. Follow our social media channels for upcoming live tours and check out previous videos below:
Live from the Living Dock: Horseshoe Crabs w/ Professor Sarah Durand (July 17th, 2020)
IG Live: Egrets and Salt Marsh in Dutch Kills (June 18th, 2020)
Live from the Creek: Water Quality Testing w/ Professor Holly Porter-Morgan (June 4th, 2020)
Live from the Creek: Upper English Kills (May 28th, 2020)
Live from the Creek: Lower English Kills (May 21, 2020)
Live from the Creek: Manhattan Avenue to the Nature Walk (May 14, 2020)
Live from the Creek: A Tour of the East Branch Tributary (May 7, 2020)
Live from the Creek: First day of 2020 Water Quality Sampling (May 3, 2020)
IG Live: A Tour of Penny Bridge (April 14, 2020)
IG Live: A Tour of the Newtown Creek Nature Walk (April 1, 2020)