Category Archives: Access

April 12th: North Henry St. Workshop

About: Please join the purchase cialis on line Newtown Creek Alliance on April 12th for a hands-on workshop as part of our North Henry Street Planning Project. The afternoon will include aerial mapping, background lectures on the ecology and conditions of the site and a workshop to envision future scenarios of public access and shoreline restoration. A key component […]

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Bike Tour, October 19th

Join NCA, Green Shores NYC, Recycle-A-Bicycle,  and Transportation Alternatives for a bike tour around Newtown Creek. We will lead this leisurely paced tour which will highlight the current connections and opportunites for improved connections to the Creek and between the Creek neighborhoods of Queens and Brooklyn. Owning a bike is not a pre-requisite BUT knowing how to […]

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NCA recipient of GCEF funding!

The Newtown Creek Alliance is grateful to have two projects included amongst a pool of 18 that will receive funding from the first round of the Greenpoint Community Environmental Fund. We are very excited to get underway with these projects (see descriptions below) that will advance our mission of restoring, revealing and revitalizing Newtown Creek. […]

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May 31st – Tour to Plank Road

In addition to debris removal, landscaping and improving accessibility to  the Plank Road site in Maspeth, part of our ongoing work also includes public tours to the site for people to learn about and see, firsthand, the pressing issues that surround Newtown Creek. We call them ‘surf+turf’ tours – with one group traveling via foot, and one via […]

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