Category Archives: Green Infrastructure

Why Not To Expand Aeration

Since 2012, Newtown Creek Alliance and Riverkeeper have sought to challenge the aeration project in Newtown Creek – an automated air blower system intended to increase dissolved oxygen levels. To date, we have raised a number of concerns about the project – including potential health impacts, the lack of sustained impact and poor investment of […]

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GCEF Projects Need Your Vote!

  The Greenpoint Community Environmental Fund (GCEF) is currently considering 13 large projects for funding. Greenpoint residents over the age of 16 will have the opportunity to vote for these projects on November 20th and 22nd. Newtown Creek Alliance is fortunate to be involved in three of these projects, including one as project lead. Please read more about the projects […]

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Wetland Frames hit the Creek

Back in 2010 LaGuardia Community College professor, and Newtown Creek enthusiast, Dr. Sarah Durand proposed creating metal frames that could house native salt marsh grasses on the otherwise flat surfaces that line most of Newtown Creek’s shores. These marine planters would be fixed to the bulkheads at the same elevation in the tidal cycle that grasses […]

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NCA recipient of GCEF funding!

The Newtown Creek Alliance is grateful to have two projects included amongst a pool of 18 that will receive funding from the first round of the Greenpoint Community Environmental Fund. We are very excited to get underway with these projects (see descriptions below) that will advance our mission of restoring, revealing and revitalizing Newtown Creek. […]

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