Earth Day BYO Picnic Lunch at the Newtown Creek Nature Walk
RAIN UPDATE: Our love for the Newtown Creek Nature Walk surpasses any threat of “soaking rains”. While we will be postponing most of what we had planned for today, you are invited to come out to plant and weed as much as we can before the rains come. We start at noon at the Nature Walk. Please dress accordingly! We will reschedule the picnic, photo and mycoboom float for May 6. If you stay in today, please celebrate Earth Day virtually by joining NCA on Twitter and Facebook!
Come join in for this casual celebration of the victory that is the Newtown Creek Nature Walk. Bring your own brown bag lunch and join the Newtown Creek champions who worked hard for years to win this unique waterfront park. The day will feature:
+ Volunteer planting and park cleanup withGreenpoint Business Alliance in collaboration with the Open Space Alliance with funding from Hudson River Foundation.
+ Greenpoint Business Alliance will be providing refreshments, t-shirts, and a small gift for volunteers.
+ Inaugural launch of the Fairy Rings, pollution-eating mushrooms homegrown by the Bioremediation Workgroup, with maritime support services by North Brooklyn Boat Club
+ Afterparty at the “Broadway Stages Boatyard”, summer home to the NBBC.
Show the Nature Walk some love and celebrate Earth Day with your friends on Newtown Creek!
Sunday, April 22th
12pm – 2pm
Newtown Creek Nature Walk