As part of our Weather in the Watershed program, we are holding a number of public education sessions this winter. We invite you to visit your local library branch to learn more about these weather stations, our CSO notification system and the fascinating answers to questions like: Where does rainwater go? What about the wastewater from my shower/sink/toilet? What is a sewershed? How clean are NYC waterways and what can we do to improve them?
See date and time details below; program is free and open to all!
Greenpoint Branch (Brooklyn) : February 25th, 4pm
Leonard Branch (Brooklyn) : March 5th, 4pm
Ridgewood Branch (Queens) : March 10th, 4pm
Maspeth Branch (Queens) : March 14th, 3:30pm
Sunnyside Branch (Queens) : March 17th, 6:30pm
Glendale Branch (Queens) : March 18th, 4pm
Woodside Branch (Queens) : March 24th, 5:45pm
Dekalb Branch (Brooklyn) : March 25th, 4pm
Central Branch (Queens) : March 29th, 3pm
North Brooklyn Boat Club : March 30th, 3pm (see details above)