In 2016, NYC Audubon, Broadway Stages, Alive Structures and Newtown Creek Alliance partnered together to create the Kingsland Wildflowers at Broadway Stages green roof and community space. The project was conceived to expand native habitat and green corridors for bird and wildlife populations, while providing educational programming to the local Greenpoint community focusing on sustainable conservation practices and wildlife protection. Made possible by a three-year legacy grant through the Greenpoint Community Environmental Fund, the project provides over 24,000 square feet of living and growing infrastructure to support wildlife in a heavily industrialized and historically polluted section of North Brooklyn.
Just as important, Kingsland Wildflowers has proven to be a tremendous tool to engage people with conservation and nature: last year, more than 2,800 people visited Kingsland Wildflowers at one of the many tours, open houses, school field trips, lectures, film screenings, performances, and workshops offered.
Beginning July 1, management of Kingsland Wildflowers at Broadway Stages transferred from NYC Audubon to Newtown Creek Alliance, whose offices are housed in the same 520 Kingsland Avenue building. NYC Audubon’s wildlife monitoring will continue as part of their green roof research efforts, and Newtown Creek Alliance will continue to collaborate on educational initiatives and co-produce environmental programming for the public. The partnership within the building has grown to include NOoSPHERE Arts, which occupies the “Last Frontier NYC” artist studio just below the roof gardens.
NCA is very excited for the opportunity to take over management and we look forward to working with all project partners to ensure that Kingsland Wildflowers at Broadway Stages continues to function as a vibrant green infrastructure asset, environmental educational tool and asset for the community.
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