Category Archives: Green Infrastructure

NCA Student Researchers

NCA is pleased to be working with two very enthusiastic students this summer to expand our efforts in documenting and studying environmental conditions both on the creek as well as within the surrounding communities. See their bios and summer responsibilities below. NCA will post updates on projects Sam and Paulus are working on (including opportunities […]

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Plank Road Work Expanded

Newtown Creek Alliance is pleased to announce an environmental benefit project that will expand restoration and access at the ‘Plank Road’ site in Maspeth (58th road at Newtown Creek). Building on work conducted in 2013 and 2014 (funded via the NY-NJ Harbor Estuary Program and NEIWPCC), we will oversee work at the street end site […]

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NCA at Greenpoint Library – March 14th

Newtown Creek Alliance will presenting our Weather in the Watershed programming at the Greenpoint Public Library (107 Norman Avenue, BK NY 11222) on Saturday March 14th as part of a larger tree giveaway event. The schedule is below, see you there! 11:30am to 12:30 Pick-up time for free trees from the MillionTreesNYC Tree Giveaway. To be […]

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