Say No to National Grid Air Permit and Expansion

National Grid LNG Facility on Newtown Creek

UPDATE (March 10th): Due to significant public interest and sign up The NYS DEC will be holding multiple public hearings in March. Join NCA and our allies in speaking up about this unwarranted expansion. Get background here and join below.

To join the virtual hearings visit: and enter the appropriate info below

Wednesday March 10th, 5pm
Event number: 179 630 5917
Password: March10-6PM

Thursday March 11th, 1pm
Event number: 129 837 7803
Password: March11-1PM

Thursday March 11th, 5pm
Event number: 129 582 8990
Password: March11-5PM

Thursday March 18th, 5pm
Event number: 129 250 0680
Register for confirmation as to how to join the hearing.

Individuals can still submit written comments until March 22, 2021.
The address for submission of written comments is:
Caitlyn Nicols, NYSDEC
Region 2 Headquarters
47-40 21st Street
Long Island City, NY 11101

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is currently reviewing an air permit application from National Grid pertaining to their Newtown Creek facility in Greenpoint. NCA, along with numerous community groups and environmental organizations, are concerned that this permit will expand operations at this facility which may increase local air pollution, create a virtual pipeline (trucking) for highly dangerous compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquified natural gas (LNG), and further the city and state’s dependence on climate damaging fossil fuels. The DEC needs to engage with the community about the ramifications of this permit and deny the application.

Read comments submitted by Newtown Creek Alliance and Riverkeeper here.

DEC is currently accepting comments on the application (see the notice here) until March 22nd, 2021. To do so, submit an email to:

Caitlyn P Nichols
NYSDEC Region 2 Headquarters
47-40 21st St
Long Island City, NY 11101

Our partners at the No North Brooklyn Pipeline have created an easy to use form online for community members to express their opposition, fill it our here.

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